Angela is a birth healer and teacher. She teaches Wild birth, a unique body based childbirth education program that takes women through the experience of giving birth on many levels.
She has walked through fire and darkness to reach a place of strength and wisdom.
When she takes you on a healing journey she walks with you every step of the way.
As Angela completed her clinical training as a midwife her supervisors realized that an extraordinarily high number of woman she attended gave birth naturally. So they sent her to the high risk wards to learn how to deal with medical intervention… and even there she supported most women to birth naturally.
Angela focuses on women, not machines. She can see and understand women in labor.
Angela was often the only person in the birthing room listening to and focusing on women.
Bringing her depth of intuition, clinical training, and years of experience supporting women into their power, Angela offers birth healing and child birth education sessions like no other.
As a spiritual midwife, Angela supports both women and men to step into their power and birth their truth.